Christian Rewards & Crowns
Five Crowns for those who are faithful to do God’s work.
What kinds of rewards will we who are Christians receive when we are judged? The Bible mentions five specific crowns reserved for those who are faithful to do God’s work.
Every Christian who desires to serve Christ is advised to heed our Lord’s challenge to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10: “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.”
Incorruptible Crown.
This crown, often called “the victors crown,” will be conferred upon those who “keep under [their] body, and bring it into subjection” (1 Corinthians 9:23-27). That is, those who have purged themselves from the inducements and pleasures of the world in order to be of profitable service for the Lord Jesus Christ will merit this crown.
I find it interesting that Jesus didn’t say, “If you fast,…” but, “When you fast…” (Matthew 6:16). In other words, the assumption is that we will fast. Fasting from food is only one of the many disciplines the Bible teaches. Another is saying, “No,” when your body says, “Hit the snooze bar.” It’s saying, “See, body, you’re under. You’re not ruling me. I’m out of bed. I’m on my knees. I’m in the Word.” It’s following the example of Jesus, who rose up a great while before morning to seek His Father. 1 Corinthians 9:27.
Crown of Life.
Often called “the martyr’s crown” or “the sufferer’s crown,” this reward will rectify the many injustices Christians suffer in life. Those who have suffered much yet endured with a gracious Christian spirit will be given the crown of life. The crown is also a special reward for those who have been “faithful unto death” as a witness for Christ (Revelation 2:10).
…be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life Revelation 2:10.
Notice that for this group, Jesus doesn’t have a corrective exhortation. Perhaps this is because by enduring persecution, they remained pure. But notice also that Jesus makes no promise to lighten their affliction. On the contrary, He says, “Go through the pain and crushing. Be faithful unto death.”
Crown of Glory.
This is often called “the shepherd’s crown” or “the pastor’s crown.” It will be reserved for those who have given their lives to the teaching of the Word of God (1 Peter 5:2-4). This would include pastors, Sunday school teachers, and Bible teachers of many kinds. If you’re an example—if you’re feeding people and caring for them—the day is coming when all of those things that were unnoticed will be greatly rewarded.
Crown of Righteousness.
A special crown will be given to those Christians who, inspired by the imminent return of Christ, live a very righteous and holy life. God does not demand talented vessels for His service. In fact, we need to remember that what comes from our lives is accomplished by His power, not our skills, or talent. God lays down one simple requirement: that a Christian live holy. Somehow the doctrine of the imminent return of Christ has a purifying effect upon the believer (2 Timothy 4:8; Titus 2:12-14; John 3:2-3).
Crown of Rejoicing.
Often referred to as “the soul winner’s crown,” this crown will be given to those who devoted great attention to the salvation of lost souls. Often this service is rendered obscurely, unknown to other Christians. Those unsung heroes and all who have given themselves to winning people to Christ will receive this crown (1 Thessalonians 2:19-20).
The two greatest enemies of Christian service—selfishness and laziness—will end up robbing many of God’s children of rewards they could have received. Don’t let these enemies overcome you lest you become a victim of the judgment of loss (1 Corinthians 3:15).
International Church, Sunday October 22, 2023, 11 am