This page/site contains Bible Study Notes and sermon outlines by Pastor Alexander Thomas and others. You may use, copy, or distribute this material, provided you do it free of charge. By using this page, you indicate your acceptance of these terms. If you don’t accept these terms, please don’t use this page. Thank you.
Perhaps you will find them for your sermon preparation, teaching Bible classes, Sunday School, devotional or your own personal study of God’s Word.
Grace & Peace
Alexander Thomas
1. The Coming Events
Matthew 24:44
2. Is It Right or Wrong?
Romans 14:23
3. Seven Steps to Backsliding
Mark 14:71
4. Three Men
1 Corinthians 2:14; 3:1
5. The Description of Hell
Luke 16:19-31
6. The Preacher and His Purpose
Rom. 1:14-16; Rom. 10:8-21
7. Six Reasons Why You Must Be Saved Today
Heb. 3:7-15; 2 Cor. 6:2
8. How to Find the Will of God for Your Life
Rom. 12:1-2
9. What Happens When a Person Gets Saved?
2 Cor. 5:17
10. What Does the Future Hold?
Matthew 24:1-3
11. Spiritual Leadership in the Church
Titus 1:5-9
12. Lord, to Whom Shall We Go?
John 6:66-68.
13. Conversion of a Sinner
Luke 19:1-10.
14. Test the Spirits! They Are Not All from God!
1 John 4:1
15. What Is Life?
James 4:14
16. Rahab the harlot’s faith
Joshua 2.
17. Seven Strange Preachers
Matthew 11:1-9
18. God’s Last Call
Rev. 22:17
19. Hannah A Wise Mother
1 Samuel 1
20. Sarah—Mother of Promise
Genesis 21:1-3
21. Esther—Woman of Courage
Esther 7:6
22. Job—The Man with a Godly Character
Job Chapter 1
23. Things That Hinder our Spiritual Growth
James 1:17-26
24. Seven Things Hated of God
Proverb. 6:16
25. Five Lessons from the Rich Man and Lazarus
Luke 16:19-24
26. Jonah Running ahead of God
Jonah 4
27. How Moses Faces Death
Deut. 34:1-12
28. Why People Go to Church
Ps. 122:1-2
29. Why People Don’t Go to Church
Hebrews 10:25
30. Principles of Tithing
1 Peter 3:15
31. The Need of Every Church
Matthew 3:1-4; John 1:15-30
32. Why Jesus Lived among Us
John 1:1-14
33. A Conquering Christian
Romans 8:37
34. Separation
Matthew 25:32
35. The End Time
Matthew 24:1-14; 2 Tim 3:1-5; 1 Tim. 4:1-3
36. The Ideal Church
Acts 2:41-47
37. The Call of Life
Deuteronomy 30:19-20
38. How to Come to Christ
Matthew 11:28
39. Seven Aspects of Our Relationship to the Lord
John 1:12
40. Seven Emblems of Holy Spirit
Zecheriah 4:6
Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible (POSB)
The Bible Knowledge Commentary (BKC)
Believers Bible Commentary
The Pulpit Commentary
The Life Application Bible Commentary
CSB Ancient Faith Study Bible
Analytical Bible Expositor
Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture (CCSS)
Crossway Classic Commentaries Series Collection
Preaching the Word Commentary
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture
Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance
These men made contributions to this Sermon Outlines through their writings & Commentaries. They provided ideas, thoughts, clarity on passages. I am grateful for their ministries.
- Dr. William Barclay
- Dr. Matthew Poole
- Dr. Warren Wiersbe
- Dr John Phillips
- Pastor John Butler
- Pastor Chuck Smith
- Pastor Jon Courson
- Pastor R. Kent Hughes